Oh how motherhood has changed me. Almost 6 years ago, I had a masters degree and lofty career aspirations. Then, BAM! One cold January afternoon everything changed. G was born and life, as I knew it, would never be the same. 3 years later, S came along and I was a GONER.
Since then I've gone from wanting to work while raising my kids to wanting to stay home (both of which are noble choices...no judgement here ladies). I've changed my attitudes on so many things. Homeschool my kids? Never EVER saw that one coming. And...I've started sewing clothes...uh...I swear I haven't joined a cult. They're cute! Promise.
This blog is dedicated to the two things that have gotten me through my life as a mom thus far, Starbucks and yoga pants. It's a rare day that I go anywhere without at least one, if not both, of these things attached to my body. And anyone who wants to hate on yoga pants...try some...seriously. I’m convinced.
I'm a mom to two spaz-ball (but amazing) kids (G and S) and two crazy dogs.
My wonderful and supportive husband, let’s call him Hubs, has been putting up with my insanity for almost 10 years now, though he’s only been been “legally obligated” to put up with me for 8.5 of those years. He says it just keeps getting better...I think he’s delusional. But I’m ever grateful that his friend hit on me all those many, many years ago. Hubs and I make quite the team, if I do say so myself!
Right now, I stay home. It's the best job in the world. But, if you ask the guy at my dry cleaners, I've never worked a day in my life. So, to appease my "friend" and new career counselor (he must be good at his job if he works at the dry cleaners...) I decided to start this blog. Well, that and to chronicle our homeschool journey. I may be the only one who reads this...and that's ok by me! If, by chance, someone else stumbles upon this thing...I'll do my best to not offend. BUT...if you know me in person, you know that may not be easy for me. It's part of my charm. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Some posts may be short, some posts may be long. I want to keep you on your toes. So, come join me on our journey of the good, the bad, and the crafty...
20 Questions
Chances are if you’re reading this blog then you already know me. If not, let’s play a little game of 20 questions. How about I tell you some things about me that might not be common knowledge? If you feel inspired, leave me some cool comments with your “little known facts”. Here we go:
- I do CrossFit. To maintain my weight and my sanity...and so I can eat cupcakes. Mostly the cupcakes.
- I wake up 2-3 mornings a week at 4:55am to go to the gym.
- The sewing bug bit me about a year ago. My mom always sewed while I was growing up. She tried to teach me. I was a jerk. (Sorry Mom!) I’m totally infatuated with it now!
- I have my motorcycle license, though I haven’t ridden in YEARS. I once owned a super fast “crotch rocket”. I do miss it every once in a while.
- I’m super sarcastic (as if you couldn’t tell...), I’ll thank my dad for that one.
- I love to take selfies! Mostly so I can make Hubs grumble...he HATES my selfies...he’s also usually included in them. I hear this makes me a narcissist. Cool.
- My undergraduate degree is in Communications. I worked in TV News for a millisecond...mostly behind the scenes...but I had great aspirations.
- I have my MBA. It was a great time. Then I got pregnant...we all know what happened next.
- I’m an only child. Yes, most of the stereotypes are true.
- I love all things girlie. Makeup, clothes, shoes, hair-dos, purses, diamonds, blush pink, glitter, lace.
- Hubs and I met on New Years Eve in New York City. It’ll be 10 years this coming NYE. We shared our first kiss at midnight CST...we had just talked about how we were both moving to Texas for various reasons. It seemed fitting.
- I have had many random jobs through the years. I’ve worked at a flower shop, an insurance office (sort of...I was like 13...and it was for my mom), a skating rink, a fast food place, a bank, a TV station, an accounting firm, was a personal trainer...I’m a floater.
- I like to shoot...and I'm pretty good at it. Watch yo self.
- Both of my kids were born within two weeks of Christmas.
- I delivered both kids without any medication. I’m crazy. And I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
- I used to have a pretty negative attitude. Sometimes I can still be pretty whiney. But I “attempt” to find something positive in everything. It’s funny how just doing that changes your whole outlook on life! Give it a try...it will change you too!
- I’m a dog person. Cats smell funny.
- I have a best friend...it’s name is coffee...
- I live in Texas. Have now for 2 + 3 years of my life. About 5 total. If it’s up to me, I’ll never leave. I LOVE it here. Texas.
- I’m so happy with my life that some days I want to do the Maria thing from Sound of Music and spin around singing at the top of my lungs. Don’t get me wrong, some days stink and are exhausting but overall I feel so gosh-darn lucky that my life has twisted and turned the way it has.
And...I’m excited to meet YOU!
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